Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Jean Clairambault, 2 h “Croissance tissulaire” lecture to P2-L2 students at CHU St Antoine, January

  • Master: Jean Clairambault, (1) 1 h lecture Toulouse, April; (2) 9h lectures M2 mathbio, UPMC, September

  • Master: Marie Doumic, Méthode des Éléments Finis, M1 ENSTA, Paris: 12 h (TD, professeur en cours magistral: P. Ciarlet et S. Fliss)

  • Master: Dirk Drasdo, M2, Mathematical Biology, UPMC: “Towards systems biology of multi-cellular tissues.”: 24h

  • International schools: Jean Clairambault, 2 h tutorial “PK-PD models for chronotherapeutic optimisation in cancer treatments”, Systems Medicine of Multifactorial Disorders workshop and tutorial, CASyM, Ljubljana, June


  • HDR: Marie Doumic, Etudes de modèles de croissance et fragmentation et applications en biologie, Habilitation thesis, UPMC, June [2]

  • PhD in progress: Aurora Armiento, Inverse Problems for aggregation models, since September 2013, supervision by M. Doumic and P. Moireau

  • PhD in progress: François Bertaux (since September 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Gregory Batt

  • PhD in progress: Noémie Boissier, “Flows in organs on histological scales” (since November 2013), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Irene Vignon-Clémentel

  • PhD in progress: Youssef Bourfia, UPMC (since September 2011), supervision by Jean Clairambault, Mostafa Adimy (Dracula team, Lyon) and Hassan Hbid (UCAD, Marrakech)

  • PhD in progress: Thibault Bourgeron, UPMC, since September 2012, supervision by M. Doumic and B. Perthame

  • PhD in progress: Tanguy Cabana, started in 2013, supervision by Jonathan Touboul and Raphaël Krikorian

  • PhD in progress: Géraldine Cellière, UPMC (since October 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo, Andrei Zinovyev and Emmanuel Barillot (Institut Curie)

  • PhD in progress: Ján Eliaš, UPMC (since September 2012), supervision by Jean Clairambault and Benoît Perthame

  • PhD in progress: Casimir Emako-Cazianou, UPMC (since December 2012), supervision by Luís Almeida and Nicolas Vauchelet

  • PhD in progress: Sarah Eugène, Stochastic Models for Nucleated Polymerization, since September 2013, supervision by M. Doumic and P. Robert

  • PhD in progress: Adrian Friebel (since June 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Stefan Hoehme

  • PhD in progress: Luis Carlos García del Molino, “Heterogeneous networks and their dynamics”, supervision by J. Touboul and K. Pakdaman

  • PhD in progress: Hadjer Wafaâ Haffaf, UPMC (since September 2011), supervision by Marie Doumic

  • PhD in progress: Tommy Heck, on development of cell models and interaction with ECM. (since April 2013), co-supervised by Paul Van Liedekerke

  • PhD in progress: Johannes Neitsch, Univ. Leipzig (since June 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Stefan Hoehme

  • PhD in progress: Tim Odenthal (KULeuven), computational framework for individual cell-based models. Degree obtained December 2013. Co-supervision by Paul Van Liedekerke

  • PhD in progress: Adélaïde Olivier, Univ. Paris Dauphine, since September 2012, supervision by M. Doumic and M. Hoffmann

  • PhD in progress: Cristóbal Quiñinao, “McKean-Vlasov equations and neurosciences”, supervision by J. Touboul and S. Mischler

  • PhD in progress: Karina Vilches, (since September 2010), supervision by C. Conca and B. Perthame


  • Luís Almeida: Member of the Interdisciplinary Committee 51 of the Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique.

  • Luís Almeida: as PhD thesis jury president: Magali Tournus (UPMC).

  • Luís Almeida: as member of a University position application jury: Lyon 1 - 26 MCF 2626/4178, May-June

  • Jean Clairambault: as PhD thesis examiner: Jonathan Pascalie (Toulouse), October

  • Jean Clairambault: as PhD thesis reporter and examiner: (1) Marc Sturrock (Dundee), May; (2) Tommaso Lorenzi (Turin), June; (3) Anne-Cécile Lesart (Grenoble), November

  • Jean Clairambault: as president of a University position application jury: MC UPMC 1244/4178, April-May

  • Marie Doumic: selection committee member for the CR2 position at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt (2013). PhD thesis examiner: Peipei Shang (supervision by J-M. Coron), Erwan Hingant.

  • Dirk Drasdo: as PhD thesis reporter and examiner: Kevin Alessandri (Inst. Curie, 2.12.2013), Physics

  • Dirk Drasdo: as PhD thesis reporter, examiner and President of jury: Julien Delile, Univ. Paris VI, 14.2.2013, Computer Science

  • DIrk Drasdo: as PhD thesis reporter and examiner: Tim Odenthal, Univ. Leuven, 13.12.2013, Engineering.

  • Jonathan Touboul: selection committee member for the NSF-ANR call on computational neurosciences (CRCNS).